Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Potentially an excellent new thing from blogger/blogspot

Two of my horde of blogs have a new tab - Comments. Blogger is trialling a new comments service that detects Spam.  I hope that it works well, I'd love to volunteer all my blogs for the service.

It might also mean in the long run I can do things like not moderate comments on older posts because they tend to be spam every time but when they aren't, it takes me a while to notice and approve them.


  1. Sounds good PiB. I know I've seen several in my email that were posted on your blogs.
    So far I have only been hit with spam once. One of my blogs is set not to be found via google search and the other one is wide open but no one has hit me yet. Now that I said that, they will.

  2. My blogs are plagued with spam comments. Not every day but at least one comment on one of the blogs every week. :(

    Mind you, one of the ones selected for anti-spam is the newest one - I don't think that one will be a target for ages.


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