This is my first post here. I've upload Mr. & Mrs. Chevalier to the exchange and then created a sim. I hope you will like him. His name is Antonio, his last name is.... I forgot to give him his last name. He could be anything you want him to be.
His current traits: Charismatic, Great Kisser, Hopeless Romantic, Daredevil, Slob.
His LTW : To become an International Super Spy.
You can change his traits or LTW if you want to.
Here's the link: Antonio

M.J.: "Turn over, Antonio! I want to take more of your pictures"

Antonio: "Why do I feel like a criminal or something? Can we do more cool shots than this?"

Antonio: "Now, that's feel better! Ladies, here I come!"
M.J.: "Wait a minute there, Antonio! Don't you want to apply for a job at the police department first?"
Antonio: "Oh, yes I almost forgot. I could not interview those chicks, if I didn't hurry up soon, right?"
M.J.: "Chicks?" (sighed).
M.J.: "Dear Friends, you can do whatever you want to him, let him running around your neighborhood ;) or torture him ;) "
Antonio: "What??!"
He does remind me of my brother (except for the beard and the fact that my brother is very neat)
I like him, he's quite handsome.
ReplyDeleteAlas, he has store hair and my game still doesn't install any content that has store content. It's supposed to still install with default stuff but no such luck. :(
Love him though, definitely.
Thanks PiB.
ReplyDeleteOh, in that case I will upload him without that store hair.
:) Thanks. I did get Na Xiao while I was there.
ReplyDeleteNever mind, I managed to install him by downloading first then placing in the game.
ReplyDeleteYou know, he remember me *way* more of the Sims 2 Don Lothario then the official Sims 3 Don does.
Antonio Portabella.
If he looks a lot like your brother then you sure do have a handsome brother.
ReplyDeleteI'll go ahead and rec and fav him now, if I can get into the exchange and download him later. I only have a short time this morning.
I couldn't wait. I went ahead and installed him too.
ReplyDeleteI love the captions with the pics. :)
Gave the others rec's.
ReplyDeleteIt's me again. He does look more like the original Don Lothario.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dee, I'm glad it's not just me.
ReplyDeleteI actually quite liked Don. He was probably my official second bi Sim. He loved the ladies, he loved the men, he loved everyone who could charm into having some fun with him. He was good dad, though he did have too many lovers to be a great husband for Nina.
Dee, I don't know if my brother is handsome or not, but he likes to preen in the mirror more often than me, Lol.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, PiB, I haven't upload the new one without CC, because I have to remove all the mods and skin first. When I finished making him, he actually a bit reminds me of Don, so I added a slob trait for him :)
and hopeless romantic
ReplyDeleteThanks for downloading and recommending him.
ReplyDeleteI never did think the Don the designers made for sims3 was like the original.
Antonio is so much like him.
One of my sons spends more time in front of the mirror than most females and now one of his sons is the same way.
Don always was a good father. I didn't play him much in sims2 and only played him for a little while in sims3. I haven't played any of the pre-mades much.
Antonio Portabella sounds like a good name, PiB :) Too bad, that you cannot install his hair. I've been trying to give him other hair, but I don't know why that hair seemed the right one for him. Ambitions has arrived.. oh no, the problem of having CC and mod that you have to remove them first before installing the new EP. Has anyone tried to play it today?
ReplyDeleteMJ, it's worse. I have bought that hair. I did used to be able to use it but now the Store content refuses to work in game.
ReplyDeleteI miss my store hair.
I won't get it until tonight. I don't know if I will install tonight or not. I just want it in my hands.
ReplyDeleteI wish they would get the forum fixed. I'm tired of seeing Liam or whatever his name is.
PiB, I hope that you'll get it fixed soon. I wish I could help.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Dee. He has a daredevil trait. When I played him, the first daredevil thing he did was slapping another sim.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I'm glad someone else got to see that slapping. I thought it was hilarious after I got over the shock.
ReplyDeletePiB, I remembered I once cannot install store items. So, what I did to make it work was changing the format of sims3pack to package file. I don't know if it would work on your case. But, perhaps it would be better to install the new EP first.
ReplyDeleteHe's cute! Been gone all morning. Finally picked up Ambitions and I'm doing the prep work for install on two computers. I'll grab (heehee) Mr. Cutie when I'm done.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter will kill me if I don't have the game up and ready to go when she gets home!
Downloaded and Rec'd!
ReplyDeleteThanks Chrysame :)
ReplyDeleteAntonio made the freewill game. And is dating one of the service NPC - Autumn Cusack.
ReplyDeleteGiven that Autumn was mom to Hans Cusack-Montgomery and what Antonio looks like...I want to see those babies! A little Antonio with flaming hair is my bet.