Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hi there people

It's been quiet and I've been missing all of you heaps.

Anybody still out there or am I by myself in Sims world these days?


  1. I'm here, and half done with my finale update, but I have to reinstall (again) so it'll be a few days x.x

  2. Eyyooo! I'm here, but you should know that! I'm just keepin' busy, behind on a lot of my reading but that'll come soon enough. ^-^

  3. @amelia - sorry to hear that you are reinstalling again. Pain. Still look forward that finale being finished. :)

    @kaleeko - I was beginning to think that you were never going to step out of twitter/tumblr again. I only see you in passing on Twitter. :)

  4. I'm here, busy with school but still here. :)

  5. Sorry. I know you all think I'm dead or abducted by aliens. Truth is, I don't have a computer (I'm typing on a borrowed one) and won't have the funds for a new one in the foreseeable future. Been thinking about you all, and looking forward to catching up on my blog reading, and maybe writing, when I get a chance.

  6. P.S. The security word to my comment was alkatout. Isn't that a GREAT word?!

  7. Hey Sue! Nice to hear from you, even if it is only for a moment.

    Hope that you can work out a way to stop by from time to time, no matter if you have a computer or not.


Talk to us. Please.