Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Have I forgotten any more active blogs?

I just happened to find worsiedogs blogs over at wordpress again. So I've added the Crinklewrinkle legacy and The Freewill Experiments blog to our list.

So have I got all the Sims 3 blogs that people are using?


  1. I am so glad you did this. I have been following worsie from my favorites folder.

  2. I have this problem...too many computers. I have a work computer, the desktop gaming computer and a laptop. And every one of them has completely different bookmarks.

    So I had lost worsie from my mental map of places to go. Now those blogs will be easy to find.

    Too bad the Legacy blog doesn't seem to have a news feed turned on. We won't see when it's been updated.

  3. Thankfully, the computer at work isn't connected to the internet. Don't need it for what I do. Also, since it isn't connected, I'm not tempted by the internet.
    I haven't used the laptop since sims2.
    This one is the only one I'm using that is connected. At least seeing the link in front of me will remind me to go check it for updates.

  4. I don't know about anyone else but I am really loving both the "Our Blogs" list and the "Our Forum Posts" lists. It's neat to have such easy ways to track stuff.

  5. Agree. Me too PiB.

  6. I am getting aggravated. Twice in a week I have gone to the forum only to discover I can't read anything. I keep getting error messages there. At first I thought it was just me but have seen post by others regarding the same problem. Thing is, I can only see the titles and can't read what others have to say about it.

  7. Hi Dee,

    I was getting that problem for a bit. I switched from using Firefox to Internet Explorer and the problem stopped. A couple days later and Firefox is good again too. Some people recommend clearing all cookies from your browser as a way to stop it.

  8. The computer is set to do that for me. It even defrags automatically, once a week. It automatically empties my temporary folder when I go offline. I use IE. Last time it fixed itself and I'm hoping it fixes itself again.
    I'll go make sure the cookies have been cleaned up.

  9. I went. Made sure everything was cleaned up and I still get the error message. Oh well, it'll come back later.

  10. a news feed? LOL... PiB I am a n00b... I will look into that??
    It might be because my CrinkleWinkle Legacy blog is a page site and not a post site. I decided to it that way on purpose. I use posts however for The Freewill Experiments.

    THANKS for finding my ID.. LOL..sorry I did not get back to you straight away, I am busy studying for a final exam on the 23 Nov.

    This new fancy gadget of yours is really user friendly. I have been having issues with firefox the last few days... maybe it is a genl firefox problem atm?

  11. Good luck on the exams. Not a problem about sometimes taking time to get back to things, we all have times where other things truly need attention.

    It looks like the Legacy does have the option of a news feed. The front page has links for feeds for posts and for comments. But I've never used Wordpress so I have no idea how it's set up.

  12. Pib - I love the new blog features, too. Both of those lists were a great idea. Makes jumping back and forth much easier.

    I've been having that same forum problem. Pisses me off. I don't know why they can't fix the forums. It's not as though they had to program it themselves. It's one of those premade forum/bbs systems that's supposed to be easy enough for Joe Bloe to use on his webpage. I too tried switching browsers with no luck.

    Worsiedog - good luck on the exams.

  13. PiB, I went and looked in the settings in my dashboard, I can't find any way to activate a feed thingie. It must be because I am using pages or maybe the theme does not allow for that.


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