Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CrinkleWinkle Updates

Since the feed thing doesn't want to work, which I think is because that whole blog is pages and not posts, I thought I would just start this little post.

Since PiB has this fancy new email gadget installed I can just mention there is an update each time and you guys will be notified that way in future.

So anyway there is an update... but I will not post another until after exams.


  1. Thanks for letting us know. The only way it shows up in the email though is if you make a comment on it. I do check the blogger dashboard for any missed updates though, so that is how I found it. Now that I commented, everyone will know.
    I'm on my way to bed and will read it in the morning if I can drag myself out of bed early enough.
    Once again, good luck with the exam.

  2. Ah.. you see another blonde momente passes in the day of the life of worsiedog.. lol

    I was going to comment at the blog explaining I won't update until next week, but then I got sidetracked with dinner and forgot.

  3. I didn't think about it either until I started seeing comments on blogs I had not read yet.

  4. I have updated my legacy.
    Sorry it took so long. Last week my adsl cap was on 95% so I could not do much browsing and definately could not upload pics at all:/
    Then my internet went off from tuesday afternoon to yesterday afternoon and then we had a powerfailure LOL, and then the internet was off/on off/on the whole time.

    But it stabalised this morning.

    Incidentally PiB, I cannot see your ghost update on the 30 November in 'Adventures with sims3'? I only see until 19 November :(

  5. Good to have you back. Off to read the update now.

  6. I'll be off to view the legacy now.

    And the ghost update wasn't the 30 Nov, it was way back on the 4th of Sept. Someone started commenting on it again and I have to check for comments needing approvals since the post is over 1 month old. :)

    I did start getting back to the free will game but Sam does distract me a bit.

  7. I can't blame you, PiB. Sam distracts me as well. :)

  8. LOL, I am not even playing with him in my game right now and he is distracting me in my CAS :)

  9. Of course he's distracting in the CAS. He's attempting to get your attention to get out of there. He's an active Sim and those CAS boxes are horribly tiny.

  10. LOL, never fear, the game has forced it's hand to add him ;)

  11. Oh, Well Done Sammy! Infiltrating yet another game. :)

  12. Btw, I put all the freewill characters onto the exchange, if noone noticed yet.

  13. On my way there now.

  14. I have posted a new update. I am going away later this afternoon and will only be back on Saterday, so the next update will be Sunday or Monday.

    Also, I have a poll up at Freewill experiments if you want to vote.

  15. Updated my legacy a few minutes ago.


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