Saturday, December 11, 2010

For Kal

I can't decide if Jeb's been tutoring or misdirecting the blame for certain activities.


  1. Aahahahahaa!!! That is toooo funny.

    I don't think Jeb's been tutoring, since hacking really isn't something I could ever see Meredith doing. Not even that she wouldn't like it, but to be honest, I've never seen her as being very smart. ;D

    Definitely misdirection. That's absolutely hilarious, though... I wonder which component of Story Progression triggers that? A hacking scenario I guess? Hmm...

  2. That's why I couldn't resist posting it. Hacking from the Kane house, hell yeah. Meredith? What?

    Some part of law and order I think. I don't remember hackers before that was added.


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