Thursday, July 29, 2010

admin type stuff

a) if someone runs across a blogspot blog with a half decent chat, let me know so I can install it. I looked at three and hated all of them.

b) if anyone wants to add to the new About our Contributors page - feel free. Or I can change the name and let everyone know I'm an egotist... :)

The drooling over Late Night may now resume.


  1. I love your new contributors page but don't know what to say about myself except that I'm well know for typo's, abandoning games for new ones, posting way too many screenshots with very little story line and just plain fickle.

    I don't know where to find a chat thingy. Everytime I've ever joined a chat, I get very very confused because everyone is talking about different stuff and the answers don't always make sense because the question already rolled away. :)

  2. Oh, should I just email you the little thing about myself, PiB? It doesn't look like I can edit the Page from my account.

  3. Poof - Kaleeko, MJ and Marty are admins. You can do more now. :)

  4. I'm trying to get my thoughts in order and write a coherent and concise blurb. Unfortunately, the only thing in my head at the moment is Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive.

  5. Coherent and concise? Are you trying to show me up? LOL

  6. Oh, I love that song.

  7. My blurb is up! Bwahahahaha.

  8. I've moved on to Steve Miller Band's The Joker.

  9. This is a great idea. I'm going to work on writing the profile. But, I'm not very good at it. Lol, I didn't even have one on my blog.


Talk to us. Please.