Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 21 - Something that happened/could happen that made you quit without saving

Basically, just major glitches on the part of the game itself.

I've let Sims die. I've had romances that I didn't like. I have killed Sims that dared romance when I didn't approve :) They get bad jobs, they have kids when I didn't expect them. And I keep going.

Every once in a while, my game throws a glitch that makes me quit without saving. But they have been very rare. Like once Thomas should have died but the Reaper glitched on the lot. So I reset and Thomas lived another few days.


  1. Hehehehe--yeah, you're defintely one to let the game flow as it flows, you don't really change anything that would necessarily make you unhappy. I wish I still had the mojo to do that, but in the end, if my main character got clonked my a meteor... Yeah. Not saving. XD

    Glitches are a good reason not to save, though. Does happen occasionally in my own game, but hasn't for a while, thank goodness!

  2. I just do it for glitches these days. What happens, happens. I'm not writing so I don't have to worry about a storyline although I never really followed a storyline...*laugh*
    So, no worries!

  3. @Kaleeko, I don't have a serious mega plot laid out for the next two or three seasons either. You have the traits planned from birth.

    I don't think I'd like it if Penny got hit by a meteor like two days after her next birthday. That might be enough to not save.

    I also don't save when I've done something like add 5 people to the house just to control them. But I knew I wouldn't save then. :)

    @Chrysame, I'm glad several of my blogs are just what happens happens. Cause the plot ones take *way* more work. LOL

  4. Back when I was doing Zayne Hunter's blog, I mean back when Zayne was doing her blog, it was very important to my idea of the storytelling that aging be off. Silly me, I didn't understand that aging and story progression are universal, not just for that one saved game. So every time I turned aging on for a different game, I forgot to turn it back off when I went back to Zayne. I only found this out when she aged up seconds after the game loaded.

    So here she was, coming out of the stadium after a concert, and the minute she went through that loading interval they do when coming out of a rabbit hole, she aged up. I kept quitting and restarting, but I just wasn't fast enough to stop it. Finally I just let her age to adult, which wasn't really so bad. But it pissed me off.


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