Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 18 - The longest family tree

In Sims 2 - I was following three family lines and two of the three had reached gen 5 when I last played.

Family tree document

In Sims 3 - I'm still very slow and so have only reached gen 4 in one save
Sam + Rachel -> Indiana
Indiana + Judy -> Phillip
Phillip + Vanessa -> Penny

I have too many Sims projects to do any of them quickly. :D


  1. Hehehe--well, quickly wouldn't be a good thing! ;) But, your attention is definitely divided; it'd be humorous to see how far you could've gotten with the Indiana Sam family if that was your only save!

    Looks like you were quite into your SIms 2 families back in the day, though. :) Very cool.

  2. I certainly would get further if I didn't have so many spinning plates to attend to. :) In Sims 2, if I had one family with 1 or 2 kids, I would have got further.

    In Sims 3, if I only had one or two saves instead of 5 active ones, I should be on about gen 12 or so of Grants. :)

  3. I've never gone beyond the third generation. *embarrassed look* I'm really working on changing that, though.


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