Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 6 - Something your Sims do that drives you crazy

Stand around complaining about hungry, sleepy or I can't walk there...when they have free will and can do what they like.

Get with it you, find some food yourself.


  1. That was going to be mine. I want to slap them for standing there wasting a whole sim hour after I've told them to do something they need to do anyway. So! - I'll pick a different one.

    I hate the way they leave dirty dishes around. I've almost got to the point of wasting a precious trait to make them all neat. I don't really want them to be cleaning all the time; I just want them to wash the dishes so I don't have to listen to flies all the time. Oh! and I really hated the way they used to leave the TV on all the time in Sims 1.

  2. I play Sam too much Sue. I just hire the maid or butler as soon as they can afford it.

    Slobby is just a way of life and they can't die by flies. :)


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