This is my first post here. I've upload Mr. & Mrs. Chevalier to the exchange and then created a sim. I hope you will like him. His name is Antonio, his last name is.... I forgot to give him his last name. He could be anything you want him to be.
His current traits: Charismatic, Great Kisser, Hopeless Romantic, Daredevil, Slob.
His LTW : To become an International Super Spy.
You can change his traits or LTW if you want to.
Here's the link: Antonio
M.J.: "Turn over, Antonio! I want to take more of your pictures"
Antonio: "Why do I feel like a criminal or something? Can we do more cool shots than this?"
Antonio: "Now, that's feel better! Ladies, here I come!"
M.J.: "Wait a minute there, Antonio! Don't you want to apply for a job at the police department first?"
Antonio: "Oh, yes I almost forgot. I could not interview those chicks, if I didn't hurry up soon, right?"
M.J.: "Chicks?" (sighed).
M.J.: "Dear Friends, you can do whatever you want to him, let him running around your neighborhood ;) or torture him ;) "
Antonio: "What??!"
He does remind me of my brother (except for the beard and the fact that my brother is very neat)